Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Does it count as on time if you start the post on the right day???

Thursday Lisa and I took the kids on a little field trip. This field trip was different than usual, because it was for the moms. Lisa goes to a really nice little church with some of the nicest families. They have kind of taken Lisa under their homemaking wings and I have been invited to tag along. So Lisa and I were invited to bring the kids over for a day of learning. There were 14 kids there ranging in age from 3 months to 11 years old. Except for a few brief moments (Katie) you would have not even known there were children there. They all occupied themselves without television, music, computers or video games! This family lives on a small farm with a few cows, sheep and chickens. The kids played in the hay barn for about 3 hours and never once complained they were bored.

While the big kids played in the hay barn and the little girls played inside the moms had a wonderful time of fellowship. The Lord even opened the door for me to talk about foster care adoption to someone who has a heart for the parent less. Even though this family has 7 children they still want to open their hearts and home to a sibling group in need of a loving family. What a blessing that would be! While we were chatting we were also learning some very interesting things. We watched her grind wheat and she explained the soaking thing and I think I can do it. She showed us how she stores her grain and her canned goods. She also showed us how to make Keifer and re-sparked my interest in making yogurt. I also got to see and smell raw milk. I have issues with raw milk. I have always pictured it with grass and hay in it, but to my surprise it looked like milk. Very thick milk, but there was no grass, hay or dirt:) Lisa was brave enough to taste it, I on the other hand decided against it. While she was so open to sharing all of the thing she does in her home, she also reinforced to Lisa and I the fact that this was all years of progress. She did not just pick up and change everything overnight. We will get there one day as well.

My diet is going rather well. Would you believe I did not weigh myself the first day? I have decided to weigh in on Monday and use that as my starting weight. I will NOT be sharing that on my blog. I will keep that number safely in my head, for only me to know! I have done a pretty good job of sticking to my menu. We changed a few things up because we did not have the left overs I thought we would have. For the most part we all ate much healthier this week.

Now onto Thankful Thursday:

I am thankful for my upcoming mother daughter trip with Leanne. We leave one week from today for sunny Florida. We will be visiting St. Augustine that evening, going to the beach on Friday and then it is all business. Cheer business that is! They will compete on both Saturday and Sunday. Because Leanne is on a youth and senior level team, we will likely be there all day long. The girls look like they are ready and I know they will do great. However, please pray for my little Katie. She has not wanted me be away from her even to go to the store. This is going to be very hard for both of us. I am sure we will both be fine, but a little extra prayer could not hurt.

I am thankful for my sweet grandmother. She is in her 70's now, but is still as spunky as ever. She is coming to stay with me for a few weeks when we get home from our trip and we are all looking forward to it. We are planning to get a lot of sewing done. I have bought some beautiful fabric that I can not wait to turn into something fabulous.

I am also thankful again for good friends. I am so glad the Lord has blessed me with friends who are so wise and care enough about me to share their wisdom. I have also been making new friends this year. For many years my high school best friends and I lived within minutes of each other. We were always together. Two years ago her husband was transferred to Charlotte North Carolina. While I miss her dearly, this separation has forced us both to branch out and meet new people. We have both done that and are thankful for the wonderful women we have met in the process. However, I wouldn't mind if they moved back soon!

I will miss Thankful Thursday this week. I will be Thankful for a safe flight and warm sunny weather. Leanne told me before bed only 3 more days! I still have a million things to do...

Just for fun I am adding pictures of my sweet boys. There are never enough pictures of them.

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